Welcome back to Strong By Nature, your go-to source for aligning health, cuisine, and fitness. Today, our focus shifts to yoga: a total mind-body workout that combines strengthening and stretching poses with deep breathing and meditation practices. Let’s discover how to blend yoga into your fitness schedule for gaining strength.
1. Yoga as a Cool-down
Ever thought of winding down your intense workout with some soothing yoga? By incorporating 15 to 30 minutes of restorative yoga post-workout, you can minimise muscle tightness, prevent soft-tissue injury stemming from overtraining, and benefit from maximised muscle growth. Focus on restorative stretches like Pigeon, Lizard, and Downward-Facing Dog.
2. Yoga as a Warm-up
Starting your training session with a few yoga poses can work wonders for your muscle activation and body alignment. By dedicating just 5 to 30 minutes to yoga prior to weight training or calisthenics, you can reduce the risk of injury and set the pace for a balanced, efficient main workout. Focus on invigorating poses like Plank, Warrior 2, or Side Bends.
3. Yoga as a Standalone Workout
Yoga doesn’t always have to be a sidekick to your main workout – it can very well take the centre stage. Spend 30 to 60 minutes on a dedicated yoga workout the day before cardio or weight-training sessions. This practice can help address bodily imbalances, improve range of motion, boost core strength and balance, and teach your body to exert force at an expanded range. Try challenging poses like Warrior 3, Standing Bow, and Dolphin.
4. Yoga in the Morning, Workout in the Evening
Kick-start your day with some gentle yoga practice, followed by a more intense workout in the evening. A morning yoga session lasting 20 to 45 minutes can help align your body for the day, soothe tight muscles, and prepare your body for the evening’s activity. Begin with poses like Low Lunge or Cat-Cow, progress to Warrior 1 or 2, and conclude with restorative stretches like Pigeon or Thread the Needle.
Incorporating yoga into your existing fitness routine doesn’t mean pouring additional hours into your workout schedule. Rather, it’s about smartly weaving it into your routine—be it as a warm-up, cool-down, or a standalone workout. Remember, your fitness journey is not about fitting into a mould, but creating one that embraces your unique physical and nutritional needs perfectly.
Yoga, like any fitness regimen, becomes more impactful with a supporting diet. Try complementing your yoga routine with nutrient-rich meals to maximise your results. After all, strength isn’t just about lifting weights—it’s about lifting your health and wellbeing through a balanced life.
Stay fit, stay Strong By Nature.